Flourish Gin is a well-balanced contemporary style gin. This light, sweet gin beams with floral, fruity aromas and celebrates new beginnings. Made for mixing, Flourish Gin encourages experimentation and is a companion to Eau Claire’s expanding craft spirits line, offering a fresh take on a classic botanical gin.
40% Alc/vol.
Eau Claire Distillery is situated about 45 minutes southwest of downtown Calgary in a historic hamlet, called Turner Valley. The distillery is housed in the circa-1929 Turner Valley Movie Theatre and Dance Hall that in early days served as town hall, political rally centre, dance hall and community gathering spot.
Vintage Disclaimer
Due to the nature of the Alberta Government distribution system, Highlander is unable to guarantee vintages. We will do our best to ensure that the vintages on our online offers are updated and accurate. However, if we cannot fulfill your order with the requested vintage, you will be notified accordingly and you may choose to either accept the available vintage or cancel your order.