Corte Armano is produced by the Campagnola family in Valgatara, a small village in the low hills near Marano in the heart of the Valpolicella Classico region. The winery was founded by Carlo Campagnola, but this winery’s history is all about the courage and hard work of his wife, Catarina Zardini. After Carlo’s untimely death, Catarina courageously continued the business and won the medal for the best Vino Reccioto at the 1907 wine exhibition in Verona, thus laying the foundation for five generations of success.
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Due to the nature of the Alberta Government distribution system, Highlander is unable to guarantee vintages. We will do our best to ensure that the vintages on our online offers are updated and accurate. However, if we cannot fulfill your order with the requested vintage, you will be notified accordingly and you may choose to either accept the available vintage or cancel your order.